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Plastic Free Packaging


Set yourself apart from your competitors

We can customise your bottles to ensure that your brand is represented wherever you showcase them. We print using organic ceramic printing, which is waterproof and permanent.

See how other forward-thinking businesses have improved upon customer experience by using our products and services.

Carbon Neutral Dispensers For Your Accommodation

Our team has collaborated with carbon specialists to determine the exact amount of CO2 emitted during the production, shipping, and delivery of our products to you.

To counterbalance this, invest in government-backed carbon credits and carbon capture schemes through UK and European tree planting initiatives to ensure a cleaner environment and secure future CO2 removal.

If you are searching for an eco-friendly and visually appealing dispensing solution for your business, please reach out to us for assistance.

What are the benefits of switching to our commercial soap dispensers?

Social media has hastened businesses' transition to more environmentally friendly packaging. Many eco-conscious consumers and environmental organizations are ‘plastic shaming' brands and creating viral content to highlight the effects of plastic on ocean ecosystems.

While this approach raises awareness, living sustainably requires a change in lifestyle. Only when we all work together toward a common goal will we see a long-term, positive, and predictable shift.

Lululemon, Starbucks Reserve Roastery, and Hermès have all made use of our fashionable, ergonomic, and reusable liquid soap and hand sanitiser bottles.

Nobody wants to walk through a store, restaurant, hotel, or spa and see and use plastic bottles. Consumers prefer products that are clean, functional, and visually appealing.

Kuishi's designs are purposefully created to blend into the aesthetics of your space - and can also be branded so that the dispensers can be integrated with your brand and story.

Our refillable commercial soap dispenser range is ideal for saving money and helps you reduce the amount of single-use plastic your business produces. It is critical that we reduce the amount of plastic we use, which is why our soap dispensers are made locally in the UK and Europe and made from up to  45% recycled glass.

Key Benefits of our Stainless Steel bottle holders

Our holders are made of high-quality stainless steel and are among the best available.

Our bottle holders are also adjustable, allowing you to add any bottle with a capacity ranging from 250ml to 1000ml to any surface. A stylish but functional atmosphere is essential in your spa, hotel, restaurant, or retail establishment. Plus, with some additional branding, you can use these simple tools to promote your company's name and associate it with all the benefits of sustainability!

double wall mounted holder for hotels and hospitality
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